Gallery La Croisette #2
Gallery La Croisette #1
Tenace Import @ Blikfabriek
This winter, Boot Tenace will import some musical discoveries in Blikfabriek in Antwerp, a great new cultural center in an old factory.
On the first rendez-vous we present you: Awa Kme Kemo, Chilean cumbia!
Under construction: Camping Musicale
18-21 juillet/juli

Tenace Camping Musicale
18-21 juillet/juli
Clabecq (Tubize)
Heldenstraat, 1502, Halle (=closest road)
50°42’07.3″N 4°12’43.8″E
campeermogelijkheid ter plaatse
possibilité de camper surplace
+++ jeudi 18 juli +++
20u30 MAG
Trombone loop madness
+++vendredi 19 juli +++
19h Lex TSL
+++ samedi 20 juli +++
14h Excursion de vélo à la Tenace au départ de Bruxelles.
Fietstocht vanaf Brussel naar Tenace.
Rendez-vous / vertrek:
l’Atelier vélo, Allee du Kaai, Havenlaan 53, 1000 Bruxelles
18h Plat de jour / dagschotel
20h30 Undskyld
+++ dimanche 20 juli +++
15h Twolips
between renaissance-opera & electro poetry
How to get there
Train: direction Halle, station Lembeek, Tenace is 1,9 km from the trainstation
how to get there from the station
Bike (from Brussels):
how to get there with the bike
Car: closest road is Heldenstraat, 1502, Halle (10min by foot from Tenace)
how to get there by foot
Tenace’s Salon de Vacance Bruxelles
Tenace snapshots: Bruxelles
Tenace snapshots: Antwerp
Tenace’s passage in Antwerp at Stormkop
(most) pictures by Wannes Cré
Tenace’s Salon de Vacance
meeneemmeren / des lacs portables
Soudanic Garden Tour
info Tenace Cruise
voyage 15min reis
voyage m² reis
les ruines flottantes / drijvende ruïnes
Tenace in Antwerp
Tadaah, Boot Tenace has arrived in Antwerp!
From 5-9 june 2019 we will be part of Zeebonken en Scheldejutters, a festival at Stormkop in Antwerpen.
Keep you posted!
Arrived in hometown Antwerp!
(pic by Serge Meeter)
Panik in Paniek
Tenace import/export: Panik in Paniek
Radio Panik (Bruxelles) live in Bar Paniek (Antwerpen)
Tenace snapshots: BXL
A la prochaine BXL!