During the summers of 2014 and 2015, Tenace went on an expedition through Belgium. The goal was to discover and capture the undercurrent of this exceptional land and produce a musical travelogue of the journey.
For this purpose, an enthusiastic crew renovated the old riverboat: a bar was installed to serve as a contact and information point, a kitchen to feed the hungry and of course recording facilities to capture the sounds.
This travelogue documents what connects the Belgium people and focuses on collaboration and solidarity. At each location we invited creative souls to leave something at the boat that could be inspiring for the artists at the next stop, this way we offered the possibility to continue on what preceded.
Along the way we have met many dedicated artists who –although operating outside the mainstream- create wonderful music that deserves to be heard. From the collected material an album was distilled.
This album was released on vinyl on the independent record label Rotakt Records, may 2016. Also included: a Travelogue, a musical collage of fieldrecordings which were made during the expedition.
You can listen to and/or buy this beauty here: